Please join us for the 2017 SC Farmer Resource Rodeo, and spread the word! Download the flyer HERE. Current SC New and Beginning Farmer Program participants receive complimentary admission but must register at (use the SCNBFP 2016-2017 Participant Ticket Option).
SC Farmer Resource Rodeo
Thursday, April 6, 2017
at the
Phillips Market Center, State Farmers Market
3501 Charleston Highway
West Columbia, SC 29172
General Admission: $20
Attendees will learn about the resources and programs available to provide technical, financial, and educational assistance to SC farmers. More than two dozen agencies and organizations will participate in this roundup of expertise. Attendees will have an opportunity to chat with representatives and learn about program details and availability. General admission ($20) includes lunch and program materials. Current SC New and Beginning Farmer Program participants receive complimentary registration. Reserve your seat today:
Presenters will include representatives from the following agencies and organizations:
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
USDA-Farm Service Agency
USDA-Rural Development
US Department of Labor
SC Department of Agriculture
SC Department of Health and Environmental Control
SC Forestry Commission
Clemson Livestock Forages Extension
Clemson Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
Clemson Organic Certification Program
Clemson Food2Market
Clemson Agribusiness Extension/SC New and Beginning Farmer Program
Greenville Technical College
End Child Hunger, SC
AgSouth Farm Credit
ArborOne Farm Credit
SC Farm Bureau
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
Lowcountry Local First
Midlands Food Alliance
Sustainable Midlands
SC Association of Conservation Districts
SC Forage and Grazing Lands Coalition
SC Soil Health Team
SC Ag Council
Midlands Local Food Collaborative
…and more!
This event is made possible by financial sponsorships from ArborOne Farm Credit, AgSouth Farm Credit, and South Carolina Farm Bureau. It is hosted and presented by members of the Midlands Local Food Collaborative and supported by the South Carolina New & Beginning Farmer Program. This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2016-70017-25351.
This event is an official SC New and Beginning Farmer Program Workshop.